2014 Ordinances & Resolutions


Ordinance 14-01 Creating Employment Positions

Ordinance 14-02 Approving an Agreement for Auditing Services

Ordinance 14-03 Adopting an Identity Protection Policy Ordinance

Ordinance14-04 Approving the Purchase of Commercial Insurance Coverage Ordinance

Ordinance 14-05 Establishing a Prevailing Wage

Ordinance 14-06 Making Appropriation for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30 2015

Ordinance 14-07 Approving a Proposal with Brotcke Well Pump

Ordinance 14-08 Approving Participation in an Emergency Connection


Resolution 14-01 for Participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

Resolution 14-02 Appointing Laura VanProyen as Treasurer

Resolution 14-03 Abating the Direct Real Estate Tax for the Year 2014